Anglais 1ére thème 1 Identités et échanges

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Springtime Celebrations, Traditions and Rituals_Robin's nest

Springtime Celebrations, Traditions and Rituals

Springtime celebrations, traditions and rituals vary widely across cultures and regions, and many are associated with festivals and foods. Here are some important celebrations from around the world , including festivals from pagan origins :

Springtime Celebrations, Traditions and Rituals Lire la suite »

Crossing the Atlantic to emigrate to America

European Migration To The USA, The Tide Of Hope …

An article about the significant wave of European migration to the USA throughout the late 19th and early 20th centuries, primarily from Ireland, Italy, and Germany, driven by unique socio-economic challenges. There’s an audio file, advice on how to improve English oral comprehension, and a downloadable PDF of the text.

European Migration To The USA, The Tide Of Hope … Lire la suite »

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