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Restoring Biodiversity in your Garden. Lawns & wildflower areas at La Rabine Jardin

Listening challenge : Biodiversity in your Garden – Compréhension orale

Voici un exercice de compréhension orale. Ce fichier audio est extrait d’un podcast sur la restauration de la biodiversité dans votre jardin. Il explique l’importance de laisser une pelouse pousser naturellement, ce qui présente de nombreux avantages pour le jardin.
Fichiers audio et PDF avec un quiz !

Listening challenge : Biodiversity in your Garden – Compréhension orale Lire la suite »

Springtime Celebrations, Traditions and Rituals_Robin's nest

Springtime Celebrations, Traditions and Rituals

Springtime celebrations, traditions and rituals vary widely across cultures and regions, and many are associated with festivals and foods. Here are some important celebrations from around the world , including festivals from pagan origins :

Springtime Celebrations, Traditions and Rituals Lire la suite »

mardi gras, pancakes,

Mardi Gras: Pancakes, Parades, and Peculiar Traditions

Mardi Gras is also known as Fat Tuesday. It is a lively and exuberant celebration with deep roots in history and a tapestry woven with colourful customs. This festive carnival has evolved over centuries, blending various cultural influences into a dazzling display of music, dance, and vibrant costumes.

Mardi Gras: Pancakes, Parades, and Peculiar Traditions Lire la suite »

Crossing the Atlantic to emigrate to America

European Migration To The USA, The Tide Of Hope …

An article about the significant wave of European migration to the USA throughout the late 19th and early 20th centuries, primarily from Ireland, Italy, and Germany, driven by unique socio-economic challenges. There’s an audio file, advice on how to improve English oral comprehension, and a downloadable PDF of the text.

European Migration To The USA, The Tide Of Hope … Lire la suite »

Would you wear vintage fashion? Close up portrait of hair long young woman with flower poppy, holdings in hands a bouquet of a red flowers.

Clothes And Design : Would You Wear Vintage Fashion?

Clothes And Design : Would You Wear Vintage Fashion? The Influence of the Past on Present Events: A Journey Through Clothes and Design.
Take a moment to delve into the history of clothes and design, and discover a fascinating connection between the past and the present.

Clothes And Design : Would You Wear Vintage Fashion? Lire la suite »

Wildflower areas at La Rabine Jardin, Neulliac, France

Une façon simple de rétablir la biodiversité

Une façon simple de rétablir la biodiversité : Anglais 2nde thème 7 Sauver la planète, penser les futures possibles.
Comment rétablir la biodiversité chez nous ?
Il est maintenant admis que notre planète est affectée par un changement climatique rapide et que nous devons tous penser de manière plus écologique. Nous devons trouver des moyens de rétablir la biodiversité dans nos environnements locaux.

Une façon simple de rétablir la biodiversité Lire la suite »

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