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AI-generated fashion model by Fotor

Are AI-generated fashion models and influencers important?

This is an Anglais Compréhension Écrite and Anglais Audio (American English) article. Cet artilce sur ‘Clothes and Design‘ peut aussi vous intéressez.

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Au lycée cet article sera utile pour :

Anglais 1re/Terminale Axe 4 : Citoyenneté et mondes virtuels et Axe 5 : Fictions et réalités

Anglais 2nd Theme 4 : Représentation de soi et rapport à autrui

Introduction :

En février 2021, j’ai écrit un article pour le blog intitulé « Sophia, a humanoid robot with surprising qualities ! »

A l’époque, je trouvais les images de ce robot assez dérangeantes. Elles me donnaient ce qu’aujourd’hui est appelé l‘effet “uncanny valley”. Cet effet désigne le phénomène selon lequel une image générée par ordinateur devient moins attrayante au fur et à mesure qu’elle se rapproche d’une apparence humaine.

Aujourd’hui je constate que la technologie des robots et de l’IA s’est développée à un point tel qu’il devient de plus en plus difficile de distinguer la réalité de la fiction !

Dans ce nouvel article, j’ai essayé de trouver les avantages et les inconvénients des mannequins de mode et des influenceurs générés par l’IA. Tout au long de l’article donc, j’ai fourni des liens vers toutes les informations que j’ai trouvées.

J’ai rédigé l’article en anglais pour vous ci-dessous. Vous trouverez un PDF d’une traduction en français à la toute fin de l’article.
Je dois avouer que je trouve toujours ce sujet à la fois inquiétant et fascinant !
Faites-moi part de votre avis dans les commentaires ci-dessous.

Bonne lecture et à bientôt 😉

Are AI-generated fashion models and influencers important?

AI-generated fashion models and AI influencers are a relatively new but rapidly growing concept both in the fashion industry and in popular culture.

Levi’s is just one of a growing number of fashion brands to use a custom-created AI-generated models. Whereas AI influencers such as Lil Miquela and Shudu.gram have become more and more popular. In addition, they are ‘humanized’ by having actual ‘life-styles’ and events on their profiles. Indeed, Shudu has now been given an actual human voice!

So what are some of the advantages and disadvantages associated with using AI influencers and models?

Advantages include :

  1. They are potentially more cost-effective: Using AI influencers and models can be more cost-effective than using human models and influencers. AI fashion models and influencers don’t require payment or accommodation, and can be used for an unlimited amount of time.
  2. Brands have control over their image: Brands have complete control over AI influencers and models. They can customize the appearance, personality, and messaging of the AI influencer to fit their brand and target audience.
  3. They are really efficient: AI influencers and models don’t get tired, they don’t need to sleep, eat or take breaks. They can work around the clock, promoting products and generating content 24/7.
  4. They can be programmed for diversity: AI models and influencers can be designed to represent a diverse range of attributes. These include body types, ethnicities, and cultures.

Disadvantages include:

  1. They lack authenticity: AI influencers and models lack the authenticity and human connection that many consumers value. Consumers may be hesitant to trust or connect with an AI influencer or model.
  2. They have limited creativity: AI models and influencers are limited by the data and programming with which they are built. This limits their creativity and ability to adapt to new trends. Behind every AI model or influencer is a human, or team of human beings who are responsible for creating new designs and new stories by inputting huge amounts of data!
  3. There are serious ethical concerns: Some may argue that using AI influencers and models perpetuates the objectification of women and unrealistic beauty standards. They are also perpetually young and their body shape never changes, so they project totally unrealistic images which cannot be equated to actual human beings.
  4. The “Uncanny valley” effect: The “uncanny valley” effect refers to the phenomenon where a computer-generated image becomes less appealing as it approaches a human-like appearance, making it difficult for consumers to connect with AI influencers and models.

Progress in AI technology …

A virtual South Korean K-Pop girl group called MAVE!

The ‘creator’ of Shudu, Cameron-James Wilson, a British designer; said in February 2021 that 3D was “quite expensive” and “It’s incredibly difficult to animate Shudu, because she’s so realistic.”

However, technology has moved on so much, that now, since 2023, we have a “real” virtual South Korean K-Pop girl group called MAVE! …

MAVE:'s Message to Soompiers

You can read in some of the comments on the video that a few people do actually have the ‘uncanny valley’ effect when watching the clip, which they describe as quite unnerving!

To explore these ideas further, here is an article to listen to from VOA Learning English : Is This K-Pop Girl Band for Real?

Is This K-Pop Girl Band for Real? Read by Dan Novak

To conclude, while AI influencers and AI-generated models offer certain advantages such as cost-effectiveness and control, they also present certain disadvantages such as lack of authenticity, the uneasiness of the ‘uncanny valley’ effect and ethical concerns.

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